Hats Off to Departments of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Aneasthesiology
A huge ovarian tumour, weighing 6.5 kilogram, on a patient aged 65 years, who has been suffering from Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Hyperthyroidism, Dyslipidemia & COPD – was removed successfully. Hats off to our doctors and other staff members of Obstetrics and Gynaecology department. This is indeed a feather in Al-Azhar’s crown.
“Our heartfelt congratulations to all the staff members involved in the procedure and further treatment of the patient.”
News & Happenings
in and around the campus
Lawyers Enrolled from Al-Azhar Law College
2020-21 Bar Council enrollment done. The enrollment was made official through online platform due to CoVid-19 scenario.
International Day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking
Al-Azhar acts as a strong advocate against the use of intoxicants, keeping the campus free of all that harms a peaceful student life.
World Environment Day
On the World Environment Day, Al-Azhar talks about Dibang Valley Project and how its going to affect the indigenous people of the area.
Cameo ’20
Al-Azhar Training College conducts – the first in the state – online B.Ed Arts Festival.
Online Classrooms
We are going LIVE! Lets join together to have a holistic learning experience. Get ready with Zoom / Google Meets this June 1st!
Monsoon Diseases
Lets keep our immune system strong. In case of fever, kindly visit the nearest hospital. Ensure that you’re using a mask. Stay safe!
Don't miss out on the exciting happenings within the campus.
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